In the U.S., Personal Capital is a popular application for tracking financial accounts.

Unfortunately for investors outside the U.S., Personal Capital only supports U.S.-based financial institutions, U.S. dollars, and U.S. phone numbers.

So if you want to use an app like Personal Capital to track your financial accounts but live in pretty much any country outside the U.S., Personal Capital won’t support many of the institutions or assets in which you’re invested.

Thankfully, there is a tool that will. 

Here at Kubera, we’ve built an alternative — a financial application for global citizens in the U.K., the European Union, Australia, Singapore, and beyond.

If you’re a U.K. resident or a global citizen with holdings in multiple countries, this article will give you everything you need to know to replace Personal Capital in the U.K. and beyond. 

Keep reading to learn:

  • What Personal Capital is
  • Why Personal Capital doesn’t work around the world
  • The best alternative for Personal Capital in the U.K. and beyond: Kubera
  • How Kubera connects to U.K.-based and global financial accounts
  •  How to start using Kubera to replace Personal Capital in the U.K.

What Is Personal Capital?

Personal Capital is an application that helps users track their financial accounts and investments — as long as they’re all based in the U.S., that is.

Its features include net worth and individual financial account tracking, budgeting, savings planning, and an overview of cash flow.

For users looking for longer-term wealth management, Personal Capital has financial planning tools as well as an educational tool that helps users model future outcomes and estimate how much they’ll need to save to reach specific goals.

Personal Capital’s basic account tracking features are free, but the company aggressively markets its paid services (wealth management, investment services, etc.) as people use the application.

Despite the benefits, Personal Capital and similar tools are practically useless for global citizens — or anyone with accounts based outside the U.S.

Here’s why. 

Why Financial Trackers like Personal Capital Don’t Work in the UK

While Personal Capital can technically be accessed from anywhere, as we mentioned above, Personal Capital only supports U.S.-based financial institutions, only deals in U.S. dollars, and only accepts users to sign up with U.S. phone numbers.

The reason this is the case with Personal Capital and many tools like it is that banks and financial institutions around the world are built on different technologies. In order to work with these different technologies, financial apps like Personal Capital have to use financial app aggregators. When Personal Capital and others in its class don’t work in certain countries, it’s due to a lack of variety in aggregators. 

Why Financial Trackers like Personal Capital Don’t Work in the UK

The Best Alternative for Personal Capital in the UK and Beyond: Kubera 

Looking for an alternative to Personal Capital in the U.K., the European Union, Australia, Singapore, or somewhere else in the world?

Check out what we’ve created at Kubera.

What Is Kubera?

Kubera is the modern-day financial tracker for global citizens. 

Like Personal Capital and similar tools, Kubera is a wealth management app for organizing and tracking financial accounts, investments, and net worth. But unlike Personal Capital and its peers, Kubera monitors financial accounts across every asset class (from cash to antiques to cryptocurrency and beyond), in every currency, and in any country.

What Is Kubera?

How Kubera Connects to UK-Based and Global Financial Accounts 

Kubera’s mission is to serve the growing population of global citizens who have accounts and investments in a variety of locations — and need a single place they can go to track it all.

How have we delivered on this mission? We’ve spent the time building a custom infrastructure that works with several different financial app aggregators to connect to banks, investment accounts, crypto wallets, and other financial institutions all over the world. 

Here you can see the full list of the banks, brokerages, crypto exchanges, crypto wallets, and other financial institutions to which Kubera (currently) connects.

With Kubera, you have the power to connect with financial accounts you simply can’t access when using Personal Capital or other U.S.-focused tools.

What Makes Kubera the Best All-in-One Portfolio Tracker for Investors in the UK and Around the World

Next up, some of the most important features that make Kubera the ideal portfolio management app for worldly investors. 

Track Traditional, Crypto, and Other Financial Accounts All in One Place

As we’ve alluded to previously, with Kubera you can track all of your financial accounts and assets in one application — from bank accounts to crypto investments, real estate, antiques and other physical assets, and pretty much anything else of value you want to count toward your net worth. 

When adding homes, vehicles, or web domains to your dashboard, Kubera feeds data on these assets into your portfolio so you can always see their real-time market value.  

For stock and crypto investors, Kubera also offers tickers for the leading individual stocks or cryptocurrencies. Add tickers to your Kubera dashboard so you can always make the most informed purchasing or selling decisions when it comes to stocks and crypto.

And you can see the grand overview of your entire portfolio using Kubera’s charts and visual analysis features. Track investments, check on asset allocation, and see how your net worth is growing at a glance with our charts.

View Values in Your Preferred Currency for Simplified Financial Tracking

Once you’ve added all of the important financial accounts and assets mentioned above, you’ll be able to see their value in real-time in the currency of your choosing — no matter which currency they started out in. 

We built Kubera to support far more than just the U.S. dollar, so it automatically converts balances across accounts using up-to-date exchange rates.

This always-current and easy-to-understand look at your overall net worth and individual accounts is critical to diversifying and balancing your portfolio to achieve growth.

Safeguard Your Personal and Financial Data

Every financial tracking app makes money somehow.

In the case of “free” applications such as Personal Capital, they upsell users to their premium services to create revenue for the company. Other financial tracking apps like Mint routinely sell their users’ data to advertisers. 

But we’ve decided against those strategies at Kubera.

We choose to protect your privacy instead of selling your personal information for any reason. Instead, we’re funded entirely by a simple, monthly subscription — a model that ensures your data stays private.

Enjoy A Tool That Understands the Needs of Global Citizens

Global citizens are simply people who hold accounts and assets in multiple countries, including location-independent assets such as cryptocurrency.

These people are also often high-net-worth individuals who acquire a variety of assets from moving around the world on a regular basis — meaning they have even more of a need for a simple-to-look-at and easy-to-use portfolio tracker. 

As global citizens ourselves, we built and continue to improve Kubera to solve the unique situations that international investors experience first-hand. 

Replace Personal Capital in the UK and Get Started with Kubera Today

Replace Personal Capital in the UK and Get Started with Kubera Today

Kubera is the only wealth management tool that empowers U.K. citizens as well as global investors to track international assets and understand their entire net worth at a glance.

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