In the beginning, a very small group of people had a completely new outlook on money.
They believed that money and state could be separate.
They believed in decentralized and censorship-resistant money.
So they set to work turning those beliefs into reality.
Thus, cryptocurrencies were born.
Their ethos reminds me of the famed Think Different Apple ad. Like the “crazy ones,” they were not fond of rules and they didn’t have any respect for the status quo.
The problem? Technology wasn’t ready for them then, but it’s certainly catching up to them now with the help of crypto portfolio manager platforms.
What is a Crypto Portfolio Manager?
A cryptocurrency portfolio manager is a digital tool — an app, a website, or any other platform — that helps its users monitor changes in their cryptocurrency and manage their portfolio accordingly. In some cases, it may also help track other asset types.
A crypto portfolio manager does this job by integrating with crypto accounts and/or enabling users to add information about their digital coins.
You can put together a crypto portfolio management platform on your own, but we only recommend that option for investors with experience in tech who have intense customization and control needs.
Instead, we recommend you save yourself the time and sanity with a powerful, ready-made, all-in-one portfolio manager — more on that next.
The All-In-One Crypto Portfolio Manager Is Finally Here
As a matter of philosophy, most crypto portfolio managers still don’t have native support for fiat money management.
Yet these days, many investors who deal with traditional assets like stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. also hold some cryptocurrency.
That means they’re stuck using one portfolio manager to track their traditional investments and another one to track their crypto assets.
But not anymore.
Enter Kubera: The all-in-one crypto portfolio manager for tracking both fiat and digital assets side-by-side.

Why the World Needs Modern Crypto Portfolio Managers
Using an all-in-one crypto portfolio manager is vital because it gives you a complete picture of your entire portfolio.
Because when you get the complete picture, you don’t make knee-jerk reactions.
Crypto is volatile. Double-digit percentage drops in a single day are common-place. When that happens, your mind tricks you into thinking that everything is going to zero and there is a strong urge to get out.
But with Kubera’s crypto portfolio tracker, all you have to do is log in to realize that crypto is only a small part of your overall portfolio.
Kubera gives you peace of mind as well as helps you avoid making costly mistakes.
How to Use Kubera to Track Both Fiat and Crypto Portfolios
Ready for that peace of mind that comes with being able to track your diverse portfolio in a single glance?
Here’s how to use Kubera to do just that.
Track Traditional and Digital Accounts Like Fidelity and Bitcoin Side-By-Side
Kubera is the only portfolio tracker that allows you to track your crypto assets and accounts right next to your traditional ones, allowing you to see your net worth and the latest value of all your assets in real-time.
Thanks to our custom infrastructure that works with various financial aggregators, Kubera can connect to 10,000+ traditional financial institutions like banks and brokerages around the world to track your traditional investments.
In addition to helping you track your fiat investments, Kubera can connect to 20+ popular crypto exchanges (Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, etc.), crypto wallets (Metamask, MyEtherWallet, etc.), and even hardware wallets (Trezor, Ledger, etc.) to help you keep track of your digital assets. This enables you to have a birds-eye view of all your investments which will lead to more informed decisions. In fact, you can see the entire list of banks, brokerages, fintech, crypto exchanges, and wallets that we support here.
In addition, active crypto and stock investors alike can use Kubera’s tickers to keep an eye on market movements in the moment.

Furthermore, Kubera’s flexible fields are there to let you enter any individual crypto coins or other one-of assets (like those antiques you inherited) along with their value so you can see how they factor into your portfolio and net worth.
And for those larger assets — like homes, vehicles, or web domains — Kubera integrates with real-time market data providers so you can always see the value of some of your largest investments.
Kubera Natively Supports Major Fiat Currencies and Cryptocurrencies
Kubera’s automated currency conversion feature ensures that no matter where you live, you will be able to keep a track of all your investments in one place — in a currency that your brain is familiar with.
In Kubera, just enter the currency code followed by the quantity of the currency and it will be automatically tracked in the currency which is set for your portfolio.
Cryptocurrencies are increasingly becoming a part of a well-diversified portfolio. Tracking them as part of your overall portfolio was once stressful, but no more with Kubera.
Use Kubera to View the Progress of Your Blended Traditional and Crypto Portfolio
Kubera’s modern and clean recap screen kicks the functionality up a notch by enabling you to actually see performance across your entire portfolio, asset allocation, and of course net worth.
This screen helps you understand how your portfolio is changing and growing over time so you can make smart investment decisions and stay on track to meet your financial goals.

Try the Only All-In-One Crypto Portfolio Manager Today
Kubera’s all-in-one crypto portfolio manager helps you organize all your wealth — from traditional assets like stocks to modern, digital ones like crypto and domains — in one place so you can keep regular track of your net worth. And it even ensures the safe transfer of this information to your beneficiary!
Sound interesting?
Get started with Kubera today by signing up for a subscription.
If you’re a financial professional or would like to use Kubera with help from your financial planner, contact us at to learn about our white-label solution for banks, estate planners, and other wealth pros.